Who We R
That's who we R "Family"

Puerto Rico Association of REALTORS®

Why PRAR matters?

Our association brand, PRAR, aspires to provide leadership through quality education and valuable programs—in accessible formats to ensure professional and superior service—helping members achieve success and credentials.


To promote members’ professionalism through education, services, and advocacy,  that ensures business success through REALTOR®  ethics and community leadership.

Who are our members?

Members of the Puerto Rico Association of Realtors®, like the community that we represent, form a diverse group of individuals.

From Millennials and Gen X-ers to Boomers and beyond, our hard-working members span the generations. The 855-plus men and women of PRAR form an inclusive network of cultures, skills, and interests.

Our membership consists of sales agents, brokers, property managers, appraisers, and others engaged in all aspects of the real estate industry.

Our members live and work throughout the San Juan Metropolitan area, but PRAR’s geographic region includes all 78 municipalities of Puerto Rico. REALTORS® are invested – not just financially – in the communities they serve. A majority volunteer their time to help ensure that all Puerto Rico residents have the opportunity to lead happy, healthy, successful lives.

The typical PRAR member is an independent contractor affiliated with an independent company catering to our local market. The typical Realtor® in Puerto Rico has 15 years of experience.

Realtors® frequently have had careers in other fields prior to real estate, the most common being in management, business, and financial professions followed by sales and retail. 


To promote members’ professionalism through education, services, and advocacy,  that ensures business success through REALTOR®  ethics and community leadership.

Who are our members?

Members of the Puerto Rico Association of REALTORS®, like the community that we represent, form a diverse group of individuals.

From Millennials and Gen X-ers to Boomers and beyond, our hard-working members span the generations. The 855-plus men and women of PRAR form an inclusive network of cultures, skills, and interests.

Our membership consists of sales agents, brokers, property managers, appraisers, and others engaged in all aspects of the real estate industry.

Our members live and work throughout the San Juan Metropolitan area, but PRAR’s geographic region includes all 78 municipalities of Puerto Rico. REALTORS® are invested – not just financially – in the communities they serve. A majority volunteer their time to help ensure that all Puerto Rico residents have the opportunity to lead happy, healthy, successful lives.

The typical PRAR member is an independent contractor affiliated with an independent company catering to our local market. The typical Realtor® in Puerto Rico has 15 years of experience.

Realtors® frequently have had careers in other fields prior to real estate, the most common being in management, business, and financial professions followed by sales and retail. 


To promote members’ professionalism through education, services, and advocacy,  that ensures business success through REALTOR®  ethics and community leadership.

Who are our members?

Members of the Puerto Rico Association of Realtors®, like the community that we represent, form a diverse group of individuals.

From Millennials and Gen X-ers to Boomers and beyond, our hard-working members span the generations. The 855-plus men and women of PRAR form an inclusive network of cultures, skills, and interests.

Our membership consists of sales agents, brokers, property managers, appraisers, and others engaged in all aspects of the real estate industry.

Our members live and work throughout the San Juan Metropolitan area, but PRAR’s geographic region includes all 78 municipalities of Puerto Rico. REALTORS® are invested – not just financially – in the communities they serve. A majority volunteer their time to help ensure that all Puerto Rico residents have the opportunity to lead happy, healthy, successful lives.

The typical PRAR member is an independent contractor affiliated with an independent company catering to our local market. The typical Realtor® in Puerto Rico has 15 years of experience.

Realtors® frequently have had careers in other fields prior to real estate, the most common being in management, business, and financial professions followed by sales and retail. 

Leadership Team

Irma Colón

Irma Colón

President 2025

Jessica Rodriguez

Jessica Rodriguez

1st. Vice President

Ramón Molina

Ramón Molina

2nd. Vice President

Michelle Collazo

Michelle Collazo


Christopher LaRue

Christopher LaRue


Kristina Fábregas

Kristina Fábregas

President Elect

Aixa Malavé

Aixa Malavé

Inmediate Past President

President's Gallery

The prestigious Past Presidents Gallery of PRAR is a tribute to the exceptional leaders who have played an instrumental role in shaping the incredible journey and vision of our esteemed organization over the years. These extraordinary individuals have pushed the boundaries of excellence and have been instrumental in infusing a sense of purpose and direction to our growth. As we look back on the incredible legacy left behind by these distinguished leaders, we are reminded of their invaluable contributions that have been vital in shaping the way we operate today.

13 de noviembre de 1989
PRAR History
Se creó el Caguas Boards of REALTORS®

Se les asignó territorio que antes perteneció al San Juan Board of REALTORS®.

3 de mayo de 1977
PRAR History
Se creó el Bayamón Boards of REALTORS®

Se les asignó territorio que antes perteneció al San Juan Board of REALTORS®.

PRAR History
Se organizó la Puerto Rico Association of Real Estate Boards, una vez más por iniciativa de don Demetrio Maldonado, quien era Vicepresidente Regional de la Asociación Nacional de Realtors®, se integran Ponce y Mayagüez.

En el 1966-67, se organizo la Puerto Rico Association of Real Estate Boards, una vez mas por iniciativa de don Demetrio Maldonado, quien era Vicepresidente Regional de la Asociación Nacional de Realtors®, se integran Ponce y Mayagüez. El primer presidente de esta reorganización fue don Jacinto Matías. En el año 1973, se volvió a reorganizar para convertirse en la “Puerto Rico Association of REALTORS®”. Su primer presidente lo fue don Luis Córdova Vélez. Desde entonces cambiamos el distintivo que con gran orgullo llevamos en la solapa y en nuestros documentos oficiales con el logo de Realtors®. Una ratificación imperecedera de nuestro compromiso con los mas altos niveles de competencia y un fiel cumplimiento con el Código de Ética de la ASOCIACION NACIONAL DE REALTORS®.

Mediados 60's
PRAR History
Se dividió la isla en tres sectores y se organizaron “Boards” en San Juan, Ponce y Mayagüez

A mediados de los años 60 y bajo la presidencia de don Demetrio Maldonado, se dividió la isla en tres sectores y se organizaron “Boards” en San Juan, Ponce y Mayagüez y se cambio el nombre a “Puerto Rico Boards of REALTORS®”.

"Por ahí yo oigo hablar del “Padre de los REALTORS”. Esta designación no puede nadie escamoteársela a don José Eugenio Geigel, que fue un gran profesional, pionero incansable de los más altos niveles de conducta en nuestra profesión."

2 de febrero de 1954
PRAR History
Se radicó la solicitud de socio No. 10048, en la National Association of Real Estate Boards (NAREB)

El día, 2 de febrero de 1954, la Asociación Nacional en reunión de su Junta de Directores, aprobó nuestra solicitud y le otorgo la carta (Charter) que reconocía nuestra gestión oficial en Puerto Rico. 

-La entidad tenía entonces todo el territorio de la Isla de Puerto Rico bajo su Jurisdicción, matricula iniciar era de solo nueve (9) socios.

-Don José Eugenio Geigel, fue electo presidente y Don Carlos Esteva, Jr., secretario, quien luego lo presidio por varios años y estuvo muy activo en los asuntos de la Asociación hasta su fallecimiento.

9 de noviembre de 1953
PRAR History
Se radicó la solicitud de socio No. 10048, en la National Association of Real Estate Boards (NAREB)

El día, 9 de noviembre de 1953, se radico la solicitud de socio No. 10048, en la National Association of Real Estate Boards (NAREB), comprometiéndose aquel grupo de pioneros, por primera vez, “a adoptar el Código de Ética de la Asociación Nacional, como parte de sus reglamentos, a hacerlos cumplir fielmente y a proteger a su matrícula del uso exclusivo del vocablo REALTOR®” y, así ha sido hasta nuestros días.

19 de octubre de 1953
PRAR History
Se obtiene Certificado No. 2032 bajo el nombre: "Puerto Rico Real Estate Board"

El día, 19 de octubre de 1953, se radico en la Secretaría Ejecutiva de Puerto Rico una solicitud y se obtuvo el Certificado No. 2032, bajo el nombre de “Puerto Rico Real Estate Board”.

Fuente foto

3 de octubre 1953
PRAR History
1ra. Reunión de Incorporadores

La primera reunión de incorporadores se celebro el día, 3 de octubre de 1953 y a la cual asistieron José Eugenio Geigel, don Carlos Esteva, Jr., don José Torruellas, don Rafael Nido, don Tomas Muñiz, don John Elwin Quiñones, don José Rivera, Don Jorge Camuñas y don Pablo Calderón.